Boston Children's Hospital
The Alexandra Jane Miliotis Oncology Nursing Support Endowment
The Alexandra Jane Miliotis Oncology Nursing Support Endowment (March, 2003) was established by the Alex’s Team Foundation as a result of the close relationships formed between Alex, and her family and the nurses who treated her. After witnessing the hard work, knowledge, and passion of the nursing staff on 7West (now 6NorthEast) and 6West during Alexandra’s hard-fought 10-month battle, the Miliotis family sought an avenue to support the incredible professionals who care for these high-risk patients every day.
The only one of its kind, this program enables nurses to host speakers at annual pediatric oncology retreats, supports attendance at national nursing conferences, and provides financial assistance to staff in their individual and collaborative development of innovative project ideas and journal publications. By providing the staff at Boston Children’s Hospital with the vital resources they need for education and respite opportunities, the “Alex’s Team” Foundation helps to ensure the best possible care for children and families, now and into the future.
Alex’s Team supports initiatives such as:
- Hospital to Home
- Palliative Care
- Seminars and Training Workshops
- Home oncology community outreach program
- Staff recognition and resiliency programming
Piccolo Family Charitable Foundation Nursing Internship
In partnership with the Piccolo Family Charitable Foundation, each year ATF supports 1-2 interns on the Oncology/Hematology floor at Boston Children’s Hospital to support the nursing and Resource Room staff. In this competitive internship, high school or college applicants are selected to pursue their interests in the medical field, gaining practical experience in a hospital setting. Our intern alumnae have gone on to pursue endeavors such as medical school and other careers in Pediatric Oncology – one alumna now works as a Staff Nurse on the floor and another as a Program Coordinator!