What We're
Up To
The Alex’s Team Foundation’s primary motivation is and always has been to identify creative ways to influence the cancer community, by providing multiple layers of service-driven support to nursing care staff, doctors, and families.
What We're
Up To
The Alex’s Team Foundation’s primary motivation is and always has been to identify creative ways to influence the cancer community, by providing multiple layers of service-driven support to nursing care staff, doctors, and families.
Here's what your monthly
Gift can provide

To feed the nurses on the pediatric/oncology floor of Boston Children's Hospital

To caffeinate a Nurse or Staff Member at Boston Children's Hospital all month long

For a child receiving cancer treatment to receive an Alex's Care Kit Just the three and I'm sure you can find icons to go along with them easily
Your monthly contribution allows us to better plan for ways we can expand our programs to kids fighting cancer by knowing we can count on your support month after month
Here's what your monthly
Gift can provide

Games for 12 Ready Bags

A Ready Bag for a Family Just After Diagnosis

Tablets for 12 Ready Bags

A Palyset for a Child Fighting Cancer
Your monthly contribution allows us to better plan for ways we can expand our programs to kids fighting cancer by knowing we can count on your support month after month